\lstdefinestyle{java}{ % define java style
language=Java, % the language of the code
backgroundcolor=\color{codeBackGray}, % choose the background color
- basicstyle=\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}\fontseries{m}\selectfont\footnotesize, % the size and the font that are used for the code
+ basicstyle=\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}\fontseries{m}\selectfont\footnotesize, % the size and the font that are used for the code
breakatwhitespace=false, % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
breaklines=true, % sets automatic line breaking
captionpos=b, % sets the caption-position to bottom
- xleftmargin={0.75cm},
- % align code with text
+ xleftmargin={0.75cm}, % align code with text
commentstyle=\color{java_net_comment}, % comment style
- escapeinside={(}{)}, % if you want to add LaTeX within your code
+ escapeinside={(*}{*)}, % if you want to add LaTeX within your code
extendedchars=true, % lets you use non-ASCII characters; for 8-bits encodings only, does not work with UTF-8
frame=none,%single, % adds a frame around the code
framexleftmargin=8mm, % include numbers into the frame