#include <string.h>
#include "sim_irq.h"
+// internal structure for a hook, never seen by the notify procs
+typedef struct avr_irq_hook_t {
+ struct avr_irq_hook_t * next;
+ int busy; // prevent reentrance of callbacks
+ struct avr_irq_t * chain; // raise the IRQ on this too - optional if "notify" is on
+ avr_irq_notify_t notify; // called when IRQ is raised - optional if "chain" is on
+ void * param; // "notify" parameter
+} avr_irq_hook_t;
void avr_init_irq(avr_irq_t * irq, uint32_t base, uint32_t count)
typedef void (*avr_irq_notify_t)(struct avr_irq_t * irq, uint32_t value, void * param);
-// internal structure for a hook, never seen by the notify procs
-typedef struct avr_irq_hook_t {
- struct avr_irq_hook_t * next;
- int busy; // prevent reentrance of callbacks
- struct avr_irq_t * chain; // raise the IRQ on this too - optional if "notify" is on
- avr_irq_notify_t notify; // called when IRQ is raised - optional if "chain" is on
- void * param; // "notify" parameter
-} avr_irq_hook_t;
enum {
IRQ_FLAG_NOT = (1 << 0), // change polarity of the IRQ
* Public IRQ structure
typedef struct avr_irq_t {
- uint32_t irq;
- uint32_t value;
- uint8_t flags; // IRQ_*
- avr_irq_hook_t * hook;
+ uint32_t irq; // any value the user needs
+ uint32_t value; // current value
+ uint8_t flags; // IRQ_* flags
+ struct avr_irq_hook_t * hook; // list of hooks to be notified
} avr_irq_t;
+// allocates 'count' IRQs, initializes their "irq" starting from 'base' and increment
avr_irq_t * avr_alloc_irq(uint32_t base, uint32_t count);
void avr_free_irq(avr_irq_t * irq, uint32_t count);
+// init 'count' IRQs, initializes their "irq" starting from 'base' and increment
void avr_init_irq(avr_irq_t * irq, uint32_t base, uint32_t count);
+// 'raise' an IRQ. Ie call their 'hooks', and raise any chained IRQs, and set the new 'value'
void avr_raise_irq(avr_irq_t * irq, uint32_t value);
// this connects a "source" IRQ to a "destination" IRQ
void avr_connect_irq(avr_irq_t * src, avr_irq_t * dst);
+// register a notification 'hook' for 'irq' -- 'param' is anything that your want passed back as argument
void avr_irq_register_notify(avr_irq_t * irq, avr_irq_notify_t notify, void * param);
#endif /* __SIM_IRQ_H__ */