Commit 84a72cd129f7447644bb8d1ff56b83c7367003af
receivedWed, 7. Aug 2024, 20:05:57 (by user sx)
Wed, 7 Aug 2024 18:05:57 +0000 (20:05 +0200)
authorManfred Steiner <>
Wed, 7 Aug 2024 18:05:46 +0000 (20:05 +0200)
committerManfred Steiner <>
Wed, 7 Aug 2024 18:05:46 +0000 (20:05 +0200)
7 files changed:
software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/adafruit/ELECHOUSE_CC1101.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/adafruit/ELECHOUSE_CC1101.h [new file with mode: 0644]
software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/units/cc1011.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/units/cc1101.hpp [new file with mode: 0644]

index dcb4370c867876dee2b6e135ec713d1e3ca1924c..be31a04715928a7ebf0768668730388b9a903169 100644 (file)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ CC= avr-g++
 CFLAGS= -Wall -mmcu=$(DEVICE) -Os -DF_CPU=12000000 -c
 LFLAGS= -Wall -mmcu=$(DEVICE) -Os -DF_CPU=12000000 -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm
-CFLAGS_SIM= -Wall -mmcu=$(DEVICE) -Og -DF_CPU=12000000 -g -c
+CFLAGS_SIM= -Wall -mmcu=$(DEVICE) -Og -DF_CPU=12000000 -g -c -c
 LFLAGS_SIM= -Wall -mmcu=$(DEVICE) -Og -DF_CPU=12000000 -g -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm
diff --git a/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/adafruit/ELECHOUSE_CC1101.cpp b/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/adafruit/ELECHOUSE_CC1101.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4f00e6d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+       This library was originally copyright of Michael at but permision was\r
+    granted by Wilson Shen on 2016-10-23 for me (Simon Monk) to uodate the code for Arduino 1.0+\r
+    and release the code on github under the MIT license.\r
+Wilson Shen <>  23 October 2016 at 02:08\r
+To: Simon Monk \r
+Thanks for your email.\r
+You are free to put it in github and to do and change.\r
+On Oct 22, 2016 10:07 PM, "Simon Monk" <> wrote:\r
+       Hi,\r
+       I'm Simon Monk, I'm currently writing the Electronics Cookbook for O'Reilly. I use your \r
+       ELECHOUSE_CC1101 library in a 'recipe'. Your library is by far the easiest to use of \r
+       the libraries for this device, but the .h and .cpp file both reference WProgram.h which \r
+       as replaced by Arduino.h in Arduino 1.0.\r
+       Rather than have to talk my readers through applying a fix to your library, I'd like \r
+       your permission to put the modified lib into Github and add an example from the book. \r
+       I would of course provide a link to your website in the book and mention that you can buy \r
+       the modules there. If its ok, I'd give the code an MIT OS license, to clarify its use.\r
+       Thanks for a great library,\r
+       Kind Regards,\r
+       Simon Monk.\r
+       \r
+#include "ELECHOUSE_CC1101.h"\r
+#ifdef ELECHOUSE       \r
+// #include <Arduino.h>\r
+#define        WRITE_BURST             0x40                                            //write burst\r
+#define        READ_SINGLE             0x80                                            //read single\r
+#define        READ_BURST              0xC0                                            //read burst\r
+#define        BYTES_IN_RXFIFO     0x7F                                                //byte number in RXfifo\r
+byte PaTabel[8] = {0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60};\r
+*FUNCTION     :spi communication initialization\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiInit(void)\r
+  // initialize the SPI pins\r
+  pinMode(SCK_PIN, OUTPUT);\r
+  pinMode(MOSI_PIN, OUTPUT);\r
+  pinMode(MISO_PIN, INPUT);\r
+  pinMode(SS_PIN, OUTPUT);\r
+  // enable SPI Master, MSB, SPI mode 0, FOSC/4\r
+  SpiMode(0);\r
+*FUNCTION     :set spi mode\r
+*INPUT        :        config               mode\r
+                          (0<<CPOL) | (0 << CPHA)               0\r
+                          (0<<CPOL) | (1 << CPHA)               1\r
+                          (1<<CPOL) | (0 << CPHA)               2\r
+                          (1<<CPOL) | (1 << CPHA)               3\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiMode(byte config)\r
+  byte tmp;\r
+  // enable SPI master with configuration byte specified\r
+  SPCR = 0;\r
+  SPCR = (config & 0x7F) | (1<<SPE) | (1<<MSTR);\r
+  tmp = SPSR;\r
+  tmp = SPDR;\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:SpiTransfer\r
+*FUNCTION     :spi transfer\r
+*INPUT        :value: data to send\r
+*OUTPUT       :data to receive\r
+byte ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiTransfer(byte value)\r
+  SPDR = value;\r
+  while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;\r
+  return SPDR;\r
+*FUNCTION     : set GDO0,GDO2 pin\r
+*INPUT        : none\r
+*OUTPUT       : none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::GDO_Set (void)\r
+       pinMode(GDO0, INPUT);\r
+       pinMode(GDO2, INPUT);\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 reset //details refer datasheet of CC1101/CC1100//\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::Reset (void)\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       delay(1);\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       delay(1);\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       SpiTransfer(CC1101_SRES);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 initialization\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::Init(void)\r
+       SpiInit();                                                                              //spi initialization\r
+       GDO_Set();                                                                              //GDO set\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       digitalWrite(SCK_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       digitalWrite(MOSI_PIN, LOW);\r
+       Reset();                                                                                //CC1101 reset\r
+       RegConfigSettings(F_433);                                               //CC1101 register config\r
+       SpiWriteBurstReg(CC1101_PATABLE,PaTabel,8);             //CC1101 PATABLE config\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 initialization\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::Init(byte f)\r
+       SpiInit();                                                                              //spi initialization\r
+       GDO_Set();                                                                              //GDO set\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       digitalWrite(SCK_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       digitalWrite(MOSI_PIN, LOW);\r
+       Reset();                                                                                //CC1101 reset\r
+       RegConfigSettings(f);                                                   //CC1101 register config\r
+       SpiWriteBurstReg(CC1101_PATABLE,PaTabel,8);             //CC1101 PATABLE config\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 write data to register\r
+*INPUT        :addr: register address; value: register value\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiWriteReg(byte addr, byte value)\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       SpiTransfer(addr);\r
+       SpiTransfer(value);\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:SpiWriteBurstReg\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 write burst data to register\r
+*INPUT        :addr: register address; buffer:register value array; num:number to write\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiWriteBurstReg(byte addr, byte *buffer, byte num)\r
+       byte i, temp;\r
+       temp = addr | WRITE_BURST;\r
+    digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+    while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+    SpiTransfer(temp);\r
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)\r
+       {\r
+        SpiTransfer(buffer[i]);\r
+    }\r
+    digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 Strobe\r
+*INPUT        :strobe: command; //refer define in CC1101.h//\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiStrobe(byte strobe)\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       SpiTransfer(strobe);\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 read data from register\r
+*INPUT        :addr: register address\r
+*OUTPUT       :register value\r
+byte ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiReadReg(byte addr) \r
+       byte temp, value;\r
+    temp = addr|READ_SINGLE;\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       SpiTransfer(temp);\r
+       value=SpiTransfer(0);\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       return value;\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:SpiReadBurstReg\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 read burst data from register\r
+*INPUT        :addr: register address; buffer:array to store register value; num: number to read\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiReadBurstReg(byte addr, byte *buffer, byte num)\r
+       byte i,temp;\r
+       temp = addr | READ_BURST;\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       SpiTransfer(temp);\r
+       for(i=0;i<num;i++)\r
+       {\r
+               buffer[i]=SpiTransfer(0);\r
+       }\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:SpiReadStatus\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 read status register\r
+*INPUT        :addr: register address\r
+*OUTPUT       :status value\r
+byte ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SpiReadStatus(byte addr) \r
+       byte value,temp;\r
+       temp = addr | READ_BURST;\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);\r
+       while(digitalRead(MISO_PIN));\r
+       SpiTransfer(temp);\r
+       value=SpiTransfer(0);\r
+       digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);\r
+       return value;\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:RegConfigSettings\r
+*FUNCTION     :CC1101 register config //details refer datasheet of CC1101/CC1100//\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::RegConfigSettings(byte f) \r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCTRL1,  0x08);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCTRL0,  0x00);\r
+       \r
+    switch(f)\r
+    {\r
+      case F_868:\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ2,    F2_868);\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ1,    F1_868);\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ0,    F0_868);\r
+        break;\r
+      case F_915:\r
+        SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ2,    F2_915);\r
+        SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ1,    F1_915);\r
+        SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ0,    F0_915);\r
+        break;\r
+         case F_433:\r
+        SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ2,    F2_433);\r
+        SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ1,    F1_433);\r
+        SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREQ0,    F0_433);\r
+        break;\r
+         default: // F must be set\r
+               break;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG4,  0x5B);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG3,  0xF8);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG2,  0x03);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG1,  0x22);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG0,  0xF8);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_CHANNR,   0x00);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_DEVIATN,  0x47);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREND1,   0xB6);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FREND0,   0x10);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MCSM0 ,   0x18);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FOCCFG,   0x1D);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_BSCFG,    0x1C);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL2, 0xC7);\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL1, 0x00);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL0, 0xB2);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL3,   0xEA);\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL2,   0x2A);\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL1,   0x00);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL0,   0x11);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSTEST,   0x59);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST2,    0x81);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST1,    0x35);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST0,    0x09);\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG2,   0x0B);        //serial clock.synchronous to the data in synchronous serial mode\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG0,   0x06);        //asserts when sync word has been sent/received, and de-asserts at the end of the packet \r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_PKTCTRL1, 0x04);                //two status bytes will be appended to the payload of the packet,including RSSI LQI and CRC OK\r
+                                                                                       //No address check\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05);                //whitening off;CRC Enable��variable length packets, packet length configured by the first byte after sync word\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_ADDR,     0x00);                //address used for packet filtration.\r
+    SpiWriteReg(CC1101_PKTLEN,   0x3D);        //61 bytes max length\r
+*FUNCTION     :use CC1101 send data\r
+*INPUT        :txBuffer: data array to send; size: number of data to send, no more than 61\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SendData(byte *txBuffer,byte size)\r
+       SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TXFIFO,size);\r
+       SpiWriteBurstReg(CC1101_TXFIFO,txBuffer,size);                  //write data to send\r
+       SpiStrobe(CC1101_STX);                                                                  //start send    \r
+    while (!digitalRead(GDO0));                                                                // Wait for GDO0 to be set -> sync transmitted  \r
+    while (digitalRead(GDO0));                                                         // Wait for GDO0 to be cleared -> end of packet\r
+       SpiStrobe(CC1101_SFTX);                                                                 //flush TXfifo\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:SetReceive\r
+*FUNCTION     :set CC1101 to receive state\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :none\r
+void ELECHOUSE_CC1101::SetReceive(void)\r
+       SpiStrobe(CC1101_SRX);\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:CheckReceiveFlag\r
+*FUNCTION     :check receive data or not\r
+*INPUT        :none\r
+*OUTPUT       :flag: 0 no data; 1 receive data \r
+byte ELECHOUSE_CC1101::CheckReceiveFlag(void)\r
+       if(digitalRead(GDO0))                   //receive data\r
+       {\r
+               while (digitalRead(GDO0));\r
+               return 1;\r
+       }\r
+       else                                                    // no data\r
+       {\r
+               return 0;\r
+       }\r
+*FUNCTION NAME:ReceiveData\r
+*FUNCTION     :read data received from RXfifo\r
+*INPUT        :rxBuffer: buffer to store data\r
+*OUTPUT       :size of data received\r
+byte ELECHOUSE_CC1101::ReceiveData(byte *rxBuffer)\r
+       byte size;\r
+       byte status[2];\r
+       if(SpiReadStatus(CC1101_RXBYTES) & BYTES_IN_RXFIFO)\r
+       {\r
+               size=SpiReadReg(CC1101_RXFIFO);\r
+               SpiReadBurstReg(CC1101_RXFIFO,rxBuffer,size);\r
+               SpiReadBurstReg(CC1101_RXFIFO,status,2);\r
+               SpiStrobe(CC1101_SFRX);\r
+               return size;\r
+       }\r
+       else\r
+       {\r
+               SpiStrobe(CC1101_SFRX);\r
+               return 0;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
diff --git a/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/adafruit/ELECHOUSE_CC1101.h b/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/adafruit/ELECHOUSE_CC1101.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e8e609b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+       This library was originally copyright of Michael at but permision was\r
+    granted by Wilson Shen on 2016-10-23 for me (Simon Monk) to uodate the code for Arduino 1.0+\r
+    and release the code on github under the MIT license.\r
+Wilson Shen <>  23 October 2016 at 02:08\r
+To: Simon Monk <>\r
+Thanks for your email.\r
+You are free to put it in github and to do and change.\r
+On Oct 22, 2016 10:07 PM, "Simon Monk" <> wrote:\r
+       Hi,\r
+       I'm Simon Monk, I'm currently writing the Electronics Cookbook for O'Reilly. I use your \r
+       ELECHOUSE_CC1101 library in a 'recipe'. Your library is by far the easiest to use of \r
+       the libraries for this device, but the .h and .cpp file both reference WProgram.h which \r
+       as replaced by Arduino.h in Arduino 1.0.\r
+       Rather than have to talk my readers through applying a fix to your library, I'd like \r
+       your permission to put the modified lib into Github and add an example from the book. \r
+       I would of course provide a link to your website in the book and mention that you can buy \r
+       the modules there. If its ok, I'd give the code an MIT OS license, to clarify its use.\r
+       Thanks for a great library,\r
+       Kind Regards,\r
+       Simon Monk.\r
+//#define ELECHOUSE\r
+#ifdef ELECHOUSE       \r
+#ifndef ELECHOUSE_CC1101_h\r
+#define ELECHOUSE_CC1101_h\r
+// #include "Arduino.h"\r
+#include <stdint.h>\r
+#define byte uint8_t\r
+// Init constants\r
+#define F_915       0x00\r
+#define F_433       0x01\r
+#define F_868       0x02\r
+// Register values for different frequencies\r
+// Carrier frequency = 868 MHz\r
+#define F2_868  0x21        \r
+#define F1_868  0x62        \r
+#define F0_868  0x76       \r
+// Carrier frequency = 902 MHz\r
+#define F2_915  0x22        \r
+#define F1_915  0xB1        \r
+#define F0_915  0x3B       \r
+// Carrier frequency = 433 MHz\r
+#define F2_433  0x10       \r
+#define F1_433  0xA7        \r
+#define F0_433  0x62        \r
+//***************************************CC1101 define**************************************************//\r
+#define CC1101_IOCFG2       0x00        // GDO2 output pin configuration\r
+#define CC1101_IOCFG1       0x01        // GDO1 output pin configuration\r
+#define CC1101_IOCFG0       0x02        // GDO0 output pin configuration\r
+#define CC1101_FIFOTHR      0x03        // RX FIFO and TX FIFO thresholds\r
+#define CC1101_SYNC1        0x04        // Sync word, high INT8U\r
+#define CC1101_SYNC0        0x05        // Sync word, low INT8U\r
+#define CC1101_PKTLEN       0x06        // Packet length\r
+#define CC1101_PKTCTRL1     0x07        // Packet automation control\r
+#define CC1101_PKTCTRL0     0x08        // Packet automation control\r
+#define CC1101_ADDR         0x09        // Device address\r
+#define CC1101_CHANNR       0x0A        // Channel number\r
+#define CC1101_FSCTRL1      0x0B        // Frequency synthesizer control\r
+#define CC1101_FSCTRL0      0x0C        // Frequency synthesizer control\r
+#define CC1101_FREQ2        0x0D        // Frequency control word, high INT8U\r
+#define CC1101_FREQ1        0x0E        // Frequency control word, middle INT8U\r
+#define CC1101_FREQ0        0x0F        // Frequency control word, low INT8U\r
+#define CC1101_MDMCFG4      0x10        // Modem configuration\r
+#define CC1101_MDMCFG3      0x11        // Modem configuration\r
+#define CC1101_MDMCFG2      0x12        // Modem configuration\r
+#define CC1101_MDMCFG1      0x13        // Modem configuration\r
+#define CC1101_MDMCFG0      0x14        // Modem configuration\r
+#define CC1101_DEVIATN      0x15        // Modem deviation setting\r
+#define CC1101_MCSM2        0x16        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration\r
+#define CC1101_MCSM1        0x17        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration\r
+#define CC1101_MCSM0        0x18        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration\r
+#define CC1101_FOCCFG       0x19        // Frequency Offset Compensation configuration\r
+#define CC1101_BSCFG        0x1A        // Bit Synchronization configuration\r
+#define CC1101_AGCCTRL2     0x1B        // AGC control\r
+#define CC1101_AGCCTRL1     0x1C        // AGC control\r
+#define CC1101_AGCCTRL0     0x1D        // AGC control\r
+#define CC1101_WOREVT1      0x1E        // High INT8U Event 0 timeout\r
+#define CC1101_WOREVT0      0x1F        // Low INT8U Event 0 timeout\r
+#define CC1101_WORCTRL      0x20        // Wake On Radio control\r
+#define CC1101_FREND1       0x21        // Front end RX configuration\r
+#define CC1101_FREND0       0x22        // Front end TX configuration\r
+#define CC1101_FSCAL3       0x23        // Frequency synthesizer calibration\r
+#define CC1101_FSCAL2       0x24        // Frequency synthesizer calibration\r
+#define CC1101_FSCAL1       0x25        // Frequency synthesizer calibration\r
+#define CC1101_FSCAL0       0x26        // Frequency synthesizer calibration\r
+#define CC1101_RCCTRL1      0x27        // RC oscillator configuration\r
+#define CC1101_RCCTRL0      0x28        // RC oscillator configuration\r
+#define CC1101_FSTEST       0x29        // Frequency synthesizer calibration control\r
+#define CC1101_PTEST        0x2A        // Production test\r
+#define CC1101_AGCTEST      0x2B        // AGC test\r
+#define CC1101_TEST2        0x2C        // Various test settings\r
+#define CC1101_TEST1        0x2D        // Various test settings\r
+#define CC1101_TEST0        0x2E        // Various test settings\r
+//CC1101 Strobe commands\r
+#define CC1101_SRES         0x30        // Reset chip.\r
+#define CC1101_SFSTXON      0x31        // Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1).\r
+                                        // If in RX/TX: Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer is\r
+                                        // running (for quick RX / TX turnaround).\r
+#define CC1101_SXOFF        0x32        // Turn off crystal oscillator.\r
+#define CC1101_SCAL         0x33        // Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off\r
+                                        // (enables quick start).\r
+#define CC1101_SRX          0x34        // Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and\r
+                                        // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.\r
+#define CC1101_STX          0x35        // In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if\r
+                                        // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1. If in RX state and CCA is enabled:\r
+                                        // Only go to TX if channel is clear.\r
+#define CC1101_SIDLE        0x36        // Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit\r
+                                        // Wake-On-Radio mode if applicable.\r
+#define CC1101_SAFC         0x37        // Perform AFC adjustment of the frequency synthesizer\r
+#define CC1101_SWOR         0x38        // Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio)\r
+#define CC1101_SPWD         0x39        // Enter power down mode when CSn goes high.\r
+#define CC1101_SFRX         0x3A        // Flush the RX FIFO buffer.\r
+#define CC1101_SFTX         0x3B        // Flush the TX FIFO buffer.\r
+#define CC1101_SWORRST      0x3C        // Reset real time clock.\r
+#define CC1101_SNOP         0x3D        // No operation. May be used to pad strobe commands to two\r
+                                        // INT8Us for simpler software.\r
+#define CC1101_PARTNUM      0x30\r
+#define CC1101_VERSION      0x31\r
+#define CC1101_FREQEST      0x32\r
+#define CC1101_LQI          0x33\r
+#define CC1101_RSSI         0x34\r
+#define CC1101_MARCSTATE    0x35\r
+#define CC1101_WORTIME1     0x36\r
+#define CC1101_WORTIME0     0x37\r
+#define CC1101_PKTSTATUS    0x38\r
+#define CC1101_VCO_VC_DAC   0x39\r
+#define CC1101_TXBYTES      0x3A\r
+#define CC1101_RXBYTES      0x3B\r
+#define CC1101_PATABLE      0x3E\r
+#define CC1101_TXFIFO       0x3F\r
+#define CC1101_RXFIFO       0x3F\r
+//*************************************** pins **************************************************//\r
+#define SCK_PIN   13\r
+#define MISO_PIN  12\r
+#define MOSI_PIN  11\r
+#define SS_PIN    10\r
+#define GDO0   2\r
+#define GDO2   9\r
+//************************************* class **************************************************//\r
+class ELECHOUSE_CC1101\r
+       private:\r
+               void SpiInit(void);\r
+               void SpiMode(byte config);\r
+               byte SpiTransfer(byte value);\r
+               void GDO_Set (void);\r
+               void Reset (void);\r
+               void SpiWriteReg(byte addr, byte value);\r
+               void SpiWriteBurstReg(byte addr, byte *buffer, byte num);\r
+               void SpiStrobe(byte strobe);\r
+               byte SpiReadReg(byte addr);\r
+               void SpiReadBurstReg(byte addr, byte *buffer, byte num);\r
+               byte SpiReadStatus(byte addr);\r
+               void RegConfigSettings(byte f);\r
+       public:\r
+               void Init(void);\r
+               void Init(byte f);\r
+               void SendData(byte *txBuffer, byte size);\r
+               void SetReceive(void);\r
+               byte CheckReceiveFlag(void);\r
+               byte ReceiveData(byte *rxBuffer);\r
+extern ELECHOUSE_CC1101 ELECHOUSE_cc1101;\r
\ No newline at end of file
index 4b6b734103b190c861de6026927ec88e6fe6b1b5..78fe57b9d910e579d3641e139493bf86894bb0a6 100644 (file)
 #include "units/uart1.hpp"
 #include "units/modbus.hpp"
 #include "units/rtc8563.hpp"
+#include "units/cc1101.hpp"
 extern "C" {
-   void __cxa_pure_virtual () {
-   }
-   int __cxa_guard_acquire(uint8_t *g) {
-      return 0;
-   }
+   void __cxa_pure_virtual () {}
+   int  __cxa_guard_acquire(uint8_t *g) { return 0; }
    void __cxa_guard_release(uint8_t *g) {}
    void __cxa_guard_abort(uint8_t *g) {}
+   void __gxx_personality_sj0 () {}
+   void __cxa_rethrow () {}
+   void __cxa_begin_catch () {}
+   void __cxa_end_catch () {}
    int uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream) {
       if (c == '\n') {
@@ -99,6 +97,7 @@ extern "C" {
    I2c i2cMaster(I2c::Master);
    I2c i2cSlave(I2c::Slave);
    Rtc8563 rtc8563;
+   Cc1101 cc1101;
@@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ int main () {
    #ifdef __AVR_ATmega644P__
       TestUnit *unit[] = {
          &led, &sw, &rgb, &seg7, &poti, &encoder, &r2r, &motor, &portExp, &lcd, &uart1, &modbus, &ieee485,
-         &i2cMaster, &i2cSlave, &i2cSparkfun, &rtc8563
+         &i2cMaster, &i2cSlave, &i2cSparkfun, &rtc8563, &cc1101
@@ -273,6 +272,7 @@ ISR (TIMER2_COMPA_vect) { // every 100us
+      cc1101.tick1ms();
diff --git a/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/units/cc1011.cpp b/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/units/cc1011.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..962043d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include <util/delay.h>
+#include "cc1101.hpp"
+#include "../main.hpp"
+// 868MHz Modem E07-900MM1DS (chipset CC1101)
+#ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
+   // Arduino-Nano-5V
+   // ------------------------------------
+   // not available
+   void PortExp::init () {}
+   void PortExp::cleanup () {}
+   void PortExp::setChipEnable () {}
+   void PortExp::clearChipEnable () {}
+#ifdef __AVR_ATmega644P__
+   // Nano-644
+   // --------------------------------------------------------
+   // PA4 ... nCS
+   // PB5 ... MOSI
+   // PB6 ... MISO
+   // PB7 ... SCK
+const uint8_t PMEM_CC1101_INIT[] PROGMEM = { 
+   CC1101_MDMCFG4,  0x5B, // modem config 4 -> ADC decimation rate, symbol rate exponent
+   CC1101_MDMCFG3,  0xF8, // modem config 3 -> symbol rate mantissa
+   CC1101_MDMCFG2,  0x03, // modem config 2 -> DC blocking filter, modulation type, manchaster enoding, sync-mode, 
+   CC1101_MDMCFG1,  0x22, // modem config 1 -> forw error correction, min number of preamble bytes, channel spacing exponent
+   CC1101_MDMCFG0,  0xF8, // modem config 0 -> channel spacing mantissa
+   CC1101_CHANNR,   0x00, // channel number
+   CC1101_DEVIATN,  0x47, // modem deviation setting
+   CC1101_FREND1,   0xB6, // front end RX configuration
+   CC1101_FREND0,   0x10, // front end TX configuration
+   CC1101_MCSM0 ,   0x18, // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
+   CC1101_FOCCFG,   0x1D, // Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
+   CC1101_BSCFG,    0x1C, // Bit Synchronization Configuration
+   CC1101_AGCCTRL2, 0xC7, // AGC Control
+   CC1101_AGCCTRL1, 0x00, // AGC Control
+   CC1101_AGCCTRL0, 0xB2, // AGC Control
+   CC1101_FSCAL3,   0xEA, // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
+   CC1101_FSCAL2,   0x2A, // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
+   CC1101_FSCAL1,   0x00, // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
+   CC1101_FSCAL0,   0x11, // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
+   // CC1101_FSTEST,   0x59, // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration Control
+   // CC1101_TEST2,    0x81, // Various Test Settings
+   // CC1101_TEST1,    0x35, // Various Test Settings
+   // CC1101_TEST0,    0x09, // Various Test Settings
+   CC1101_IOCFG2,   0x0B, // GDO2 Output Pin Configuration -> Serial Clock. Synchronous to the data in synchronous serial mode.
+   CC1101_IOCFG0,   0x06, // GDO0 Output Pin Configuration -> Asserts when sync word has been sent / received, and de-asserts at the end of the packet.
+   CC1101_PKTCTRL1, 0x04, // Packet Automation Control
+   CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05, // serial clock.synchronous to the data in synchronous serial mode
+   CC1101_ADDR,     0x00, // asserts when sync word has been sent/received, and de-asserts at the end of the packet 
+   CC1101_PKTLEN,   0x3D, // two status bytes will be appended to the payload of the packet,including RSSI LQI and CRC OK
+   CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05, // whitening off; normal mode, CRC enabled, variable packet length
+   CC1101_ADDR,     0x00, // address used for packet filtration.
+   CC1101_PKTLEN,   0x3D  // 61 bytes max length
+const uint8_t PMEM_CC1101_PA_TABLE[8] PROGMEM = { 0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 ,0x60 };
+   void Cc1101::triggerOn () {
+      PORTB |= (1 << PB0);
+   }
+   void Cc1101::triggerOff () {
+      PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0);
+   }
+   void Cc1101::init () {
+      // trigger for debugging
+      PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0);
+      DDRB |= ( 1 << PB0);
+      PRR &= (1 << PRSPI);
+      PORTA |= (1 << PA4);
+      DDRA |= (1 << PA4); // SPI nCS
+      // PORTB/DDRB must be configured before SPCR !!
+      PORTB |= (1 << PB4); // nSS must be HIGH, otherwise SPI master will not become active!!
+      DDRB &= ~(1 << PB6); // MISO
+      DDRB |= (1 << PB7) | (1 << PB5) | (1 << PB4); // SPI SCK (=PB7) and SPI MOSI (=PB5)
+      // SPCR |= (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR) | (1 << SPR1) | (1 << SPR0); // SPI enable , Master, f=12MHz/128=93,75kHz
+      SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR); // SPI enable , Master, f=12MHz/4 = 3MHz
+      // GDO0
+      PORTA |= (1 << PA5);
+      DDRA &= ~(1 << PA5);
+   }
+   void Cc1101::cleanup () {
+      // trigger for debugging
+      PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0);
+      DDRB &= ~( 1 << PB0);
+      SPCR = 0;
+      DDRB &= ~((1 << PB7) | (1 << PB6) | (1 << PB5) | (1 << PB4));
+      DDRA &= ~((1 << PA5) | (1 << PA4));
+      PORTA &= ~((1 << PA5) | (1 << PA4));
+   }
+   void Cc1101::setChipEnableLow () {
+      PORTA &= ~(1 << PA4);
+   }
+   void Cc1101::setChipEnableHigh () {
+      PORTA |= (1 << PA4);
+   }
+   bool Cc1101::isMisoHigh () {
+      return (PINB & (1 << PB6)) != 0;
+   }
+   bool Cc1101::isGd0High () {
+      return (PINA & (1 << PA5)) != 0;
+   }
+uint8_t Cc1101::sendSpiByte (uint8_t b) {
+   SPDR = b;
+   while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) {}
+   return SPDR;
+bool Cc1101::waitForMisoLow () {
+   timer = 10;
+   while (isMisoHigh()) {
+      if (timer == 0) {
+         return false;
+      }
+   }
+   return true;
+bool Cc1101::waitForGD0High () {
+   timer = 100;
+   while (!isGd0High()) {
+      if (timer == 0) {
+         return false;
+      }
+   }
+   return true;
+bool Cc1101::waitForGD0Low () {
+   return !waitForGD0High();
+bool Cc1101::writeRegister (uint8_t addr, uint8_t value) {
+   bool ok = true;
+   timer = 10;
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   sendSpiByte(addr);
+   sendSpiByte(value);
+   setChipEnableHigh();
+   return ok;
+bool Cc1101::writeRegisters (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length) {
+       bool ok = true;
+   addr |= WRITE_BURST;
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   sendSpiByte(addr);
+   while (length-- > 0) {
+      sendSpiByte(*buffer++);
+   }
+   setChipEnableHigh();
+   return ok;
+bool Cc1101::strobe (uint8_t strobe) {
+       bool ok = true;
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+       sendSpiByte(strobe);
+   setChipEnableHigh();
+       return ok;
+bool Cc1101::readRegister (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *value) {
+       bool ok = true;
+       addr |= READ_SINGLE;
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   sendSpiByte(addr);
+       *value = sendSpiByte(0);
+       setChipEnableHigh();
+       return ok;
+bool Cc1101::readRegisters (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length) {
+       bool ok = true;
+       addr |= READ_BURST;
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   sendSpiByte(addr);
+   while (length-- > 0) {
+      *buffer++ = sendSpiByte(0);
+   }
+       setChipEnableHigh();
+       return ok;
+bool Cc1101::readStatus (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *status) {
+       return readRegisters(addr, status, 1);
+   // bool ok = true;
+       // addr |= READ_BURST;
+   // setChipEnableLow();
+   // ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   // sendSpiByte(addr);
+       // *status = sendSpiByte(0);
+       // setChipEnableHigh();
+       // return ok;
+bool Cc1101::sendData (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length) {
+   bool ok = true;
+   ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_TXFIFO, length);
+       ok &= writeRegisters(CC1101_TXFIFO, buffer, length);
+       ok &= strobe(CC1101_STX);       // start sending bytes
+   ok &= waitForGD0High();
+   ok &= waitForGD0Low();
+   ok &= strobe(CC1101_SFTX); //flush TXfifo
+   return ok;
+bool Cc1101::setReceive () {
+   return strobe(CC1101_SRX);
+// byte CheckReceiveFlag(void)
+//     if(digitalRead(GDO0))                   //receive data
+//     {
+//             while (digitalRead(GDO0));
+//             return 1;
+//     }
+//     else                                                    // no data
+//     {
+//             return 0;
+//     }
+// }
+bool Cc1101::receiveData (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t *receivedLength, uint8_t maxBufferSize) {
+   bool ok = true;
+   uint8_t status[2];
+   uint8_t length;
+   ok &= readStatus(CC1101_RXBYTES, status);
+   if (ok && status[0] & BYTES_IN_RXFIFO) {
+      ok &= readRegister(CC1101_RXFIFO, &length);
+      if (ok && length > 0 && length <= maxBufferSize) {
+         ok &= readRegisters(CC1101_RXFIFO, buffer, length);
+         ok &= readRegisters(CC1101_RXFIFO, status, 2);
+         ok &= strobe(CC1101_SFRX);
+         if (ok) {
+            *receivedLength = length;
+            return ok;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   strobe(CC1101_SFRX);
+   *receivedLength = 0;
+   return false;
+bool Cc1101::initModem () {
+   bool ok = true;
+   SPCR = 0;
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   _delay_us(20);
+   setChipEnableHigh();
+   _delay_us(30);
+   setChipEnableLow();
+   timer = 10;
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR); // SPI enable , Master, f=12MHz/4 = 3MHz
+   SPDR = CC1101_SRES;
+   while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) {}
+   ok &= waitForMisoLow();
+   setChipEnableHigh();
+   PORTB |= (1 << PB0);
+   ok &= initModemConfig(MHZ868);
+   uint8_t pa_table[8];
+   memcpy_P(pa_table, PMEM_CC1101_PA_TABLE, 8);
+   ok &= writeRegisters(CC1101_PATABLE, pa_table, 8);
+   PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0);
+   return ok;
+bool Cc1101::initModemConfig (InitFrequency f) {
+   bool ok = true;
+   ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FSCTRL1, 0x08); // frequency synthesizer control 1 (RX frequency)
+   ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FSCTRL1, 0x08); // frequency synthesizer control 1 (RX frequency)
+   ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FSCTRL0, 0x00); // frequency synthesizer control 0 (RX frequency offset)
+   switch (f) {
+      case MHZ868:
+       ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ2, F2_868); // frequency high byte
+       ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ1, F1_868); // frequency middle byte
+       ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ0, F0_868); // frequency low byte
+         break;
+      case MHZ915: 
+         ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ2, F2_915); // frequency high byte
+         ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ1, F1_915); // frequency middle byte
+         ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ0, F0_915); // frequency low byte
+         break;
+      // case MHZ433: // not supported by E07-900MM1DS
+      //    ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ2,    F2_433);
+      //    ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ1,    F1_433);
+      //    ok &= writeRegister(CC1101_FREQ0,    F0_433);
+      //    break;
+       default: return false;
+       }
+   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(PMEM_CC1101_INIT); i += 2) {
+      uint16_t w = pgm_read_word(PMEM_CC1101_INIT + i);
+      ok &= writeRegister(w & 0xff, w >> 8);
+   }
+   return ok;
+int8_t Cc1101::run (uint8_t subtest) {
+   if (subtest == 0) {
+      printf_P(PSTR("\n => init CC1101 ... "));
+      if (!initModem()) {
+         printf_P(PSTR("E1"));
+         return -1;
+      }
+      printf_P(PSTR("done, read Version ... "));
+      uint8_t status;
+      if (readStatus(CC1101_VERSION, &status)) {
+            printf_P(PSTR("0x%02x"), status);
+            if (status == 0x14) {
+               printf_P(PSTR(" -> OK (CC1101 detected)"));
+            } else {
+               printf_P(PSTR("E2"));
+            }
+         } else {
+            printf_P(PSTR("E3"));
+         }
+      return 0;
+    } else if (subtest == 1) {
+      uint8_t value;
+      for (uint8_t addr = 0; addr <= 0x3d; addr++) {
+         printf_P(PSTR("\n reg 0x%02x: "), addr);
+         if (readRegister(addr, &value)) {
+            printf_P(PSTR("0x%02x: "), value);
+         } else {
+            printf_P(PSTR("?"));
+         }
+      }
+      return 0;
+   } else if (subtest == 2) {
+      do {
+         uint8_t status;
+         printf_P(PSTR("\n => status: "));
+         triggerOn();
+         if (readStatus(CC1101_MARCSTATE, &status)) {
+            printf_P(PSTR("0x%02x"), status);
+         } else {
+            printf_P(PSTR("E4"));
+         }
+         triggerOff();
+      } while (wait(2000) == EOF);
+   } 
+   return -1;
diff --git a/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/units/cc1101.hpp b/software/nano-644/test_2024-07-23/src/units/cc1101.hpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..64dd578
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#ifndef CC1101_HPP
+#define CC1101_HPP
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "../main.hpp"
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+class Cc1101 : public TestUnit {
+   public:
+      typedef enum { MHZ915, MHZ433, MHZ868 } InitFrequency;
+   public:
+      Cc1101 () {};
+      virtual void init ();
+      virtual void cleanup ();
+      virtual int8_t run (uint8_t subtest);
+      virtual PGM_P getName () { return PSTR("CC-1101"); }
+   public:
+      void tick1ms () { if (timer > 0) timer--; };
+   private:
+      void triggerOn();
+      void triggerOff();
+      bool initModem ();
+      bool initModemConfig (InitFrequency f);
+      void setChipEnableLow ();
+      void setChipEnableHigh ();
+      bool isMisoHigh ();
+      bool isGd0High ();
+      bool waitForMisoLow ();
+      bool waitForGD0High ();
+      bool waitForGD0Low ();
+      uint8_t sendSpiByte (uint8_t b);
+      bool writeRegister (uint8_t addr, uint8_t value);
+      bool writeRegisters (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length);
+      bool strobe (uint8_t strobe);
+      bool readStatus (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *status);
+      bool readRegister (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *value);
+      bool readRegisters (uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length);
+      bool sendData (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length);
+      bool setReceive ();
+      bool receiveData (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t *receivedLength, uint8_t maxBufferSize);
+      //bool isReceiveFlagSet ();
+   private:
+      uint8_t timer;
+   public:
+   private:
+      #define  WRITE_BURST             0x40
+      #define  READ_SINGLE             0x80
+      #define  READ_BURST              0xC0
+      #define  BYTES_IN_RXFIFO   0x7F
+      // Init constants
+      // #define F_915       0x00
+      // #define F_433       0x01
+      // #define F_868       0x02
+      // Register values for different frequencies
+      // Carrier frequency = 868 MHz
+      #define F2_868  0x21        
+      #define F1_868  0x62        
+      #define F0_868  0x76       
+      // Carrier frequency = 902 MHz
+      #define F2_915  0x22        
+      #define F1_915  0xB1        
+      #define F0_915  0x3B       
+      // Carrier frequency = 433 MHz
+      #define F2_433  0x10       
+      #define F1_433  0xA7        
+      #define F0_433  0x62        
+      //***************************************CC1101 define**************************************************//
+      // CC1101 CONFIG REGSITER
+      #define CC1101_IOCFG2       0x00        // GDO2 output pin configuration
+      #define CC1101_IOCFG1       0x01        // GDO1 output pin configuration
+      #define CC1101_IOCFG0       0x02        // GDO0 output pin configuration
+      #define CC1101_FIFOTHR      0x03        // RX FIFO and TX FIFO thresholds
+      #define CC1101_SYNC1        0x04        // Sync word, high INT8U
+      #define CC1101_SYNC0        0x05        // Sync word, low INT8U
+      #define CC1101_PKTLEN       0x06        // Packet length
+      #define CC1101_PKTCTRL1     0x07        // Packet automation control
+      #define CC1101_PKTCTRL0     0x08        // Packet automation control
+      #define CC1101_ADDR         0x09        // Device address
+      #define CC1101_CHANNR       0x0A        // Channel number
+      #define CC1101_FSCTRL1      0x0B        // Frequency synthesizer control
+      #define CC1101_FSCTRL0      0x0C        // Frequency synthesizer control
+      #define CC1101_FREQ2        0x0D        // Frequency control word, high INT8U
+      #define CC1101_FREQ1        0x0E        // Frequency control word, middle INT8U
+      #define CC1101_FREQ0        0x0F        // Frequency control word, low INT8U
+      #define CC1101_MDMCFG4      0x10        // Modem configuration
+      #define CC1101_MDMCFG3      0x11        // Modem configuration
+      #define CC1101_MDMCFG2      0x12        // Modem configuration
+      #define CC1101_MDMCFG1      0x13        // Modem configuration
+      #define CC1101_MDMCFG0      0x14        // Modem configuration
+      #define CC1101_DEVIATN      0x15        // Modem deviation setting
+      #define CC1101_MCSM2        0x16        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
+      #define CC1101_MCSM1        0x17        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
+      #define CC1101_MCSM0        0x18        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
+      #define CC1101_FOCCFG       0x19        // Frequency Offset Compensation configuration
+      #define CC1101_BSCFG        0x1A        // Bit Synchronization configuration
+      #define CC1101_AGCCTRL2     0x1B        // AGC control
+      #define CC1101_AGCCTRL1     0x1C        // AGC control
+      #define CC1101_AGCCTRL0     0x1D        // AGC control
+      #define CC1101_WOREVT1      0x1E        // High INT8U Event 0 timeout
+      #define CC1101_WOREVT0      0x1F        // Low INT8U Event 0 timeout
+      #define CC1101_WORCTRL      0x20        // Wake On Radio control
+      #define CC1101_FREND1       0x21        // Front end RX configuration
+      #define CC1101_FREND0       0x22        // Front end TX configuration
+      #define CC1101_FSCAL3       0x23        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+      #define CC1101_FSCAL2       0x24        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+      #define CC1101_FSCAL1       0x25        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+      #define CC1101_FSCAL0       0x26        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+      #define CC1101_RCCTRL1      0x27        // RC oscillator configuration
+      #define CC1101_RCCTRL0      0x28        // RC oscillator configuration
+      #define CC1101_FSTEST       0x29        // Frequency synthesizer calibration control
+      #define CC1101_PTEST        0x2A        // Production test
+      #define CC1101_AGCTEST      0x2B        // AGC test
+      #define CC1101_TEST2        0x2C        // Various test settings
+      #define CC1101_TEST1        0x2D        // Various test settings
+      #define CC1101_TEST0        0x2E        // Various test settings
+      //CC1101 Strobe commands
+      #define CC1101_SRES         0x30        // Reset chip.
+      #define CC1101_SFSTXON      0x31        // Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1).
+                                             // If in RX/TX: Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer is
+                                             // running (for quick RX / TX turnaround).
+      #define CC1101_SXOFF        0x32        // Turn off crystal oscillator.
+      #define CC1101_SCAL         0x33        // Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off
+                                             // (enables quick start).
+      #define CC1101_SRX          0x34        // Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and
+                                             // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.
+      #define CC1101_STX          0x35        // In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if
+                                             // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1. If in RX state and CCA is enabled:
+                                             // Only go to TX if channel is clear.
+      #define CC1101_SIDLE        0x36        // Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit
+                                             // Wake-On-Radio mode if applicable.
+      #define CC1101_SAFC         0x37        // Perform AFC adjustment of the frequency synthesizer
+      #define CC1101_SWOR         0x38        // Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio)
+      #define CC1101_SPWD         0x39        // Enter power down mode when CSn goes high.
+      #define CC1101_SFRX         0x3A        // Flush the RX FIFO buffer.
+      #define CC1101_SFTX         0x3B        // Flush the TX FIFO buffer.
+      #define CC1101_SWORRST      0x3C        // Reset real time clock.
+      #define CC1101_SNOP         0x3D        // No operation. May be used to pad strobe commands to two
+                                             // INT8Us for simpler software.
+      #define CC1101_PARTNUM      0x30
+      #define CC1101_VERSION      0x31
+      #define CC1101_FREQEST      0x32
+      #define CC1101_LQI          0x33
+      #define CC1101_RSSI         0x34
+      #define CC1101_MARCSTATE    0x35
+      #define CC1101_WORTIME1     0x36
+      #define CC1101_WORTIME0     0x37
+      #define CC1101_PKTSTATUS    0x38
+      #define CC1101_VCO_VC_DAC   0x39
+      #define CC1101_TXBYTES      0x3A
+      #define CC1101_RXBYTES      0x3B
+      #define CC1101_PATABLE      0x3E
+      #define CC1101_TXFIFO       0x3F
+      #define CC1101_RXFIFO       0x3F
\ No newline at end of file
index f039366e0a81a68eee54875db557f63216c46b86..2148cc0491f36e846008d28e628acd2be0e42c0c 100644 (file)
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ class I2c : public TestUnit {
       virtual int8_t run (uint8_t subtest);
       virtual PGM_P getName ();
       void handleTwiIrq ();
-      uint16_t startRead (uint8_t address);
-      uint16_t startWrite (uint8_t address);
-      void stop ();
-      uint16_t writeByte (uint8_t data);
-      uint16_t writeData (uint8_t size, const uint8_t *data);
-      uint16_t readData (uint8_t size, uint8_t *data);
-      int32_t compensateBm280T (int32_t adcT);
+      // uint16_t startRead (uint8_t address);
+      // uint16_t startWrite (uint8_t address);
+      // void stop ();
+      // uint16_t writeByte (uint8_t data);
+      // uint16_t writeData (uint8_t size, const uint8_t *data);
+      // uint16_t readData (uint8_t size, uint8_t *data);
+      // int32_t compensateBm280T (int32_t adcT);
\ No newline at end of file