# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with simavr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-SIMAVR_VERSION = ${shell git tag |tail -1|sed 's/[^0-9]*//'}
+SHELL := ${shell which bash}
+SIMAVR_VERSION := ${shell \
+ { git log -1 --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="format:%d"|\
+ sed -e 's/[\(\) ]//g'; } || \
+ echo "unknown" }
target = run_avr
CFLAGS += -Werror
-# tracing id useful especialy if you develop simavr core.
+# tracing is useful especialy if you develop simavr core.
# it otherwise eat quite a bit of few cycles, even disabled
include ../Makefile.common
-cores = ${wildcard cores/*.c}
-sim = ${wildcard sim/sim_*.c} ${wildcard sim/avr_*.c}
-sim_o = ${patsubst sim/%.c, ${OBJ}/%.o, ${sim}}
+cores := ${wildcard cores/*.c}
+sim := ${wildcard sim/sim_*.c} ${wildcard sim/avr_*.c}
+sim_o := ${patsubst sim/%.c, ${OBJ}/%.o, ${sim}}
VPATH = cores
VPATH += sim
# in simavr officialy, this section shall diseapear
rm -rf /tmp/simavr-tmp && mkdir -p /tmp/simavr-tmp/usr && \
- make install DESTDIR=/tmp/simavr-tmp/usr && \
+ make cleam; make install DESTDIR=/tmp/simavr-tmp/usr RELEASE=1 && \
(cd /tmp/simavr-tmp && \
fpm -s dir -t deb -C /tmp/simavr-tmp -n libsimavr -v $(SIMAVR_VERSION) \
--iteration $(SIMAVR_REVISION) \
done ; \
( printf "// Autogenerated do not edit\n"; \
printf "#ifndef __SIM_CORE_CONFIG_H__\n#define __SIM_CORE_CONFIG_H__\n\n"; \
+ printf "#define CONFIG_SIMAVR_VERSION \"${SIMAVR_VERSION}\"\n"; \
printf "$$conf\n"; \
printf "#endif\n"; \
) >sim_core_config.h