On some systems, including some Mac and some Linux computers, the
sim_core_config.h file will not have any cores compiled on it.
Here is the patch from #20.
I have tested this on Linux, and there are many people on #20 reporting
that it works perfectly on Mac.
for core in $$(grep -r avr_kind_t cores/|awk -F '[ :]' '{print $$1 "=" $$3;}') ; do \
file=$${core/=*}; global=$${core/*=}; \
upper=$$global; upper=$${upper/.c}; \
- upper=$$(echo $$upper|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'); \
+ upper=$$(echo $$global|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'); \
decl+="#if CONFIG_$$upper\nextern avr_kind_t $$global;\n#endif\n"; \
array+="#if CONFIG_$$upper\n\t&$$global,\n#endif\n"; \
done ; \