shortlog for 0bfce45007c162fa3f98f4369f7069f3da372502
0bfce45 Mon, 7. Dec 2009, 20:45:17 Michel PolletAdded a real example on how to integrate simavr, etc
024a09b Mon, 7. Dec 2009, 00:12:23 Michel PolletAdded a typedef for IO addresses
48920c7 Sun, 6. Dec 2009, 11:41:23 Michel PolletAdded tiny13
1898613 Fri, 4. Dec 2009, 23:27:46 Michel PolletMany more changes, timed callbacks etc
4acd890 Fri, 4. Dec 2009, 00:56:57 Michel Pollettiny25/45 cores added
4ebde35 Fri, 4. Dec 2009, 00:31:42 Michel PolletPolished gdb support, etc
24c5c60 Wed, 2. Dec 2009, 22:52:53 Michel PolletGDB working, some more source massaging
b2cf6bd Wed, 2. Dec 2009, 01:16:45 MichelBuild works on Snow Leopard, using Arduino toolchain
0b698ce Tue, 1. Dec 2009, 22:47:48 Michel Polletuart, ioports, etc. Many more changes
6dc37c4 Mon, 30. Nov 2009, 22:36:55 Michel PolletCores, decoder, uart, ioports - lots of changes
d8e5774 Tue, 24. Nov 2009, 14:14:03 Michel PolletInitial Commit