shortlog for 99dffcc6be6ba995efc9f1fa47f4813bb759bd40
99dffcc Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:21:44 Michel Polletc3gl: Implemements lights
d03a307 Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:21:06 Michel Polletc3texture: Added a resize() function
cfa5278 Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:20:33 Michel Polletc3program: can specify uniform order
15c1e73 Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:19:05 Michel Polletc3object: Implements 'hidden' objects
28a8951 Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:17:47 Michel Polletc3geometry: Added a set_dirty() function
1d2a0a8 Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:17:07 Michel Polletc3context: Make sure lights are 'drawn' first
ede3c50 Fri, 15. Jun 2012, 10:16:12 Michel Polletc3light: New bit
b2fd603 Wed, 13. Jun 2012, 19:17:12 Michel Polletc3gl: Implemented buffer objects and vertex array objects
7bf79ff Wed, 13. Jun 2012, 19:15:58 Michel Polletc3algebra: Added ortho matrices
a955e4d Wed, 13. Jun 2012, 19:15:16 Michel Polletc3geometry: Added geometry buffers
1c4c075 Wed, 13. Jun 2012, 19:11:23 Michel Polletlibc3: c_array tweaks
d63b5c7 Tue, 12. Jun 2012, 19:33:52 Michel Polletc3context: Added a view draw callback
1d39956 Tue, 12. Jun 2012, 19:33:15 Michel Polletc3geometry: Removed projected vertices
7303a27 Tue, 12. Jun 2012, 19:29:59 Michel Polletc3algebra: Added frustrum and full perspective
2463c19 Tue, 12. Jun 2012, 19:27:31 Michel Polletc3camera: matrix contains the eye position
90da542 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 12:52:47 Michel Polletspi: Reset the SPI Interrupt Flag
1b14bdb Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 09:47:20 Michel Polletuart: Made the stdio buffer non-static
e144555 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 09:45:16 Michel Polletshared: Removed mongoose
80ac5d5 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 09:44:48 Michel Polletreprap: Split arduidiot_pins for generic use
1b4c236 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 08:59:35 Michel Polletlibc3: remerged
a7b89bc Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 08:51:44 Michel Polletgitignore: Updated
bc62350 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 08:51:44 Michel Polletsimduino: Updated readme
83a6562 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 08:51:44 Michel Polletreprap: Uses libc3gl too now
80f3b77 Wed, 6. Jun 2012, 08:51:44 Michel Polletreprap: Added support for indexed elements
a8f5ed1 Mon, 4. Jun 2012, 00:46:08 Michel Polletcores: Now duplicate the global structure
21205cf Sun, 3. Jun 2012, 18:25:41 Michel Polletlibc3: Update
8afc0af Sun, 3. Jun 2012, 16:11:49 Michel Polletlibc3: Few more updates
18edacc Sun, 3. Jun 2012, 16:09:34 Michel Polletlibc3: Added c3program
0c5735b Sun, 3. Jun 2012, 16:09:07 Michel Polletreprap: c_utils updates
06d4a1c Sun, 3. Jun 2012, 16:08:34 Michel Polletuart_pty: Add CR/LF conversion to the tap
f57913c Sun, 3. Jun 2012, 16:07:56 Michel Polletreprap: Implemented the 'heatpot'
8c5185f Sat, 2. Jun 2012, 16:34:21 Michel Polletuart_pty: Introduced the notion of 'tap' port
47a1317 Sat, 2. Jun 2012, 14:32:11 Michel Polletreprap: Compatibility with OSX
d03d508 Sat, 2. Jun 2012, 00:17:00 Michel Polletreprap: c3 update etc
4e71c66 Sat, 2. Jun 2012, 00:15:03 Michel Polletreprap: Delete mongoose
aa836a6 Sat, 2. Jun 2012, 00:14:11 Michel Polletcore: Cycle timer small fix
ba4ada3 Mon, 28. May 2012, 20:20:58 Michel Polletreprap: c3 update
e51bd67 Mon, 28. May 2012, 11:20:29 Michel Polletcores: New avr-libc fixes
90de570 Mon, 28. May 2012, 11:19:11 Michel Polletusb: Fix for new compiler
60d62d4 Mon, 28. May 2012, 11:18:20 Michel Polletreprap: Steppers use proper logic
0c9c532 Mon, 28. May 2012, 11:17:34 Michel PolletMakefile: Use CPPFLAGS for -I stuff
f5c4abe Mon, 28. May 2012, 11:16:42 Michel PolletMakefile: Include a .make.options if present
a6fbd08 Sun, 27. May 2012, 00:20:00 Michel Polletreprap: c3 documentation
b73f9b6 Fri, 25. May 2012, 14:55:11 Michel Polletclang: Fixes of warning and nasty bugs
025e8d1 Tue, 22. May 2012, 20:11:37 Michel Polletmisc: Fixes clang warnings
438cc45 Tue, 22. May 2012, 20:10:45 Michel PolletMakefiles: Tweaked to build using clang/llvm
561f3a6 Mon, 21. May 2012, 15:23:06 Michel Polletreprap: c3 stl loader
1444664 Mon, 21. May 2012, 02:30:37 Michel Polletreprap: c3 update
ae12b54 Sun, 20. May 2012, 22:25:42 Michel Polletgdb: Fixed a warning
c4b8534 Sun, 20. May 2012, 22:25:16 Michel Polletreprap: c3 update
b49c500 Sat, 19. May 2012, 16:20:10 Michel Polletmake: Tweaks for freebsd
022f8dc Sat, 19. May 2012, 15:33:12 Michel Polletreprap: Added opengl renderer
276db9c Sat, 19. May 2012, 15:32:04 Michel Polletreprap: Added c3, a small scene graph lib
7aab936 v1.0b2 Fri, 18. May 2012, 14:04:50 Michel PolletMakefile: Bit more cleanup
6718bff Fri, 18. May 2012, 13:46:29 Michel Polletcleanup: Remove codecrusader file
2718e85 Fri, 18. May 2012, 13:45:52 Michel Polletvhci: Added a patch
6e6ed2b Fri, 18. May 2012, 13:45:18 Michel Polletdoc: Updated callgraph
2215adb Fri, 18. May 2012, 13:43:53 Michel PolletMakefiles: Updated for build on BSD
bb4699b Mon, 14. May 2012, 12:55:08 Michel PolletMigration to github, added some documentation and scree...
83cfc56 Mon, 14. May 2012, 11:33:16 Michel Polletreprap: Some more updates, also a Marlin binary to...
b3fcfd2 Wed, 18. Apr 2012, 11:56:57 Michel Polletstepper: Keep position in step numbers, not mm
ece490b Wed, 18. Apr 2012, 11:49:57 Michel Polletreprap: Added a 'relief' sleep
1f31184 Wed, 18. Apr 2012, 11:48:46 Michel Polletuart_pty: Check value of environment variable
ba8f91f Wed, 18. Apr 2012, 11:47:55 Michel Polletrun_avr: Use the new read_ihex_chunks
282d3e8 Wed, 18. Apr 2012, 11:46:35 Michel Polletihex: Made read_ihexq_chunks allocare the table
72c8f45 v1.0b1 Wed, 11. Apr 2012, 23:03:02 Michel Polletreprap: Progress
7cad6f9 Wed, 11. Apr 2012, 22:59:28 Michel Polletcore: Ensure we can run in >64K flash
69b8d26 Wed, 11. Apr 2012, 22:57:37 Michel Polletmisc: Cleanup & typos
119547c Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 19:25:43 Michel Polletmega1280: Made PORTK work
58506fe Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 19:25:10 Michel Polletcore: Increased the number of possible IOs
82f36e2 Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 17:31:10 Michel Polleti2ctest: Collapsed both i2ctests into one
ee4cce2 Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 17:06:46 Michel Polleti2ctest: Added a mega1280 version
5774a48 Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 17:06:05 Michel Polleti2ctest: Moved files to shared
35c6bd2 Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 17:05:22 Michel Polletcores: Added mega1280
6c922b8 Fri, 6. Apr 2012, 17:02:14 Michel PolletADC: Grown to 64 possible mux values
e44873c Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 18:47:12 Michel Pollettimer: Reconfigure the timer in fast pwm mode
10b2606 Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 18:46:18 Michel PolletUART: Added a trace macro
a80a738 Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 18:45:34 Michel Polletthermistor: Now works
50c4758 Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 16:29:40 Michel PolletNew example board: reprap
6855916 Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 16:27:12 Michel Polletelf: Do not set values that weren't present
a69c1fc Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 16:26:29 Michel Polletuart: Trace the use of the x2 flag
59c1754 Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 16:26:05 Michel Pollettimer: Added phase correct mode, possibly works
894f031 Thu, 5. Apr 2012, 14:36:20 Michel Polletuart_pty: Added a debug terminal
6c1c2f5 Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:19:36 Michel Polletuart_udp: Updated, obsolete
db78200 Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:19:08 Michel Polletsimduino: Updated, uses uart_pty
fcfd703 Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:18:01 Michel Polletuart_pty: New part
8528e58 Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:16:34 Michel Polletirq: Added an INIT flag
015f187 Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:14:59 Michel Polletuart: Finaly fixed the xon/xoff
a384d39 Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:14:29 Michel Polletinterrupts: Delivery fix
617305d Thu, 15. Mar 2012, 15:13:12 Michel Polletfifo: Small update
6765511 Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:38 Michel Polletsimavr: Now use the generated config files
5159dff Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:26 Michel PolletMakefile: Generate config files
00ee1e9 Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:26 Michel PolletMakefile: OSX Update
6d70171 Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:26 Michel Polletexamples: Exclude USB on non-linux
195e815 Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:26 Michel Polletexamples: Updated LCD part for OSX
1fed0c6 Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:25 Michel Polletmisc: Updated .gitignore
e161b07 Fri, 2. Mar 2012, 16:00:25 Michel Polletmisc: Explicitely link libelf
29eb6c9 Mon, 27. Feb 2012, 15:21:16 Michel Polletexamples: New board_usb
dfcf050 Mon, 27. Feb 2012, 15:19:15 Michel Polletparts: New vhci usb device bridge
eec7057 Mon, 27. Feb 2012, 15:18:24 Michel Polletcores: Added at90usb162